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Donation/Sponsorship Policy
Burke Distributing Corporation (BDC) believes in the spirit of giving. We have been giving back to our community for many years and are proud of that tradition. BDC gives financial support, product donations, or gift items in amounts that vary according to need of the organization and level of support determined appropriate by the BDC Donation/Sponsorship Committee. The committee meets four times a year (around the beginning of each quarter), and recipients will be notified via email of the committee decision.
Due to requests being well in excess of our giving capacity, our donations will be limited to organizations located in our community (Eastern Massachusetts). A decision to decline a request does not imply that the applicant’s program is not needed or valued, but simply that it does not fall within our giving guidelines or priorities, or that funds or product are not available.
Following our Core Value of Responsibility, we do not generally support organizations that benefit individuals under the legal drinking age; however, all requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Requests given preferential consideration are organizations that meet the following criteria:
- Holds an IRS section 501(c)(3) status AND is registered under Chapter 180 of the Massachusetts General Laws registered with the Massachusetts Attorney General Division of Public Charities.
- Gives a high percentage of donations directly to their cause.
- Sends their required information before the preferred review month.
- Submits completed request to
Please follow these guidelines when requesting a donation:
- The committee requires a completed Donation Application (click download below), a description of the request on company letterhead, a copy of both your IRS section 501(c)(3) status and your Massachusetts registration status, and any other supporting information you deem important.
If the request is for a donation of product, then these additional guidelines must be followed:
- Written confirmation that all donated beer will only be used by/served at the fundraising event that benefits that specific charity. (For example, if the donation is to the Boston Symphony Orchestra, then the beer must be served at a charity event that benefits the Boston Symphony Orchestra and not a separate charity.)
- Written confirmation that the donated beer will be served at an event for which a section 14 special liquor license has been issued in order to serve alcohol AND a copy of the liquor license prior to the event.
- Written confirmation that the donated beer will not be used as a prize in any game of chance.
Thank you for your interest in Burke Distributing Corporation!
Burke Distributing Corporation Core Values are Trust, Responsibility, Leadership, Teamwork, and Enthusiasm

Application for Donation / Sponsorship
Click to Download (use on-screen controls)